A journey in creativity and faith

Tag: Poem (Page 2 of 2)

The Light of the world

God said, ”Let there be light.”
And there was light
and life
But life sinned
and moved to the land of the shadow of death

One day
this life who walked in darkness
saw a great light
The light was God’s word
who was born a child in a barn
He was God’s face
who shone graciously upon all people
With his hands, ears, eyes and heart
The light fed, healed and awakened
those who walked in darkness

This pure light
was convicted, tortured and killed
for the sin of the world
The light was turned off
The day was dark
The sun was dark
The light was an out burned candle
and laid in a tomb

At sunrise the beloved women came to the tomb
It was empty
The women were frightened

Then one of them sensed a hand on her shoulder
and heard a voice
She turned around
“It is I”, the voice said
and God’s face shone upon the women

You who walk in darkness
You will see a great light
Believe in Him
and his face will shine upon you
inside you
through you
in the midst of us
because darkness is not the final word

God says “let there be light”

motif: wire post looking like  a cross set against a rising sun

Good news


3 injured in shooting at Florida State, Ebola Liberia, Japanese woman poisons her husband, war against Islamic State, obesity costs Britain $73 billions, suspect in subway, seven people are killed at a hospital in China

The good news is

An alien from space
comes down on earth
he is the baby
born in a stable
he is the servant
who loves killers, cheaters, and liars
he is the white lamb
which is slaughtered
he is the blood
which cleans the infected lawbreakers
who say “I believe”
he is the bread
which gives souls eternal nourishment
he is the water
which resuscitates the dry hearts
he is the air
which lives inside the holy breed
he is the light
that never goes out

Mary and Jesus


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