A journey in creativity and faith

Tag: light

November is dark

On empty twigs
November is cold
and dark

Is going to bed

Leaves are falling
Rain falls down
Empty trees
Cold feet
A messy living room
Noisy thoughts
November is dark

Photo Copyright Heidi Spangberg Christensen

Photo Copyright Heidi Spangberg Christensen

It is raining
It is cold
The days are short
Leaves are falling
The sky is grey
November is dark

We hear a calling
Outside the door

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Is an ice age coming?

“When will it snow? My daughter asked me a few days ago.
“I don’t know. It may take a while”, I replied.
“No!” Her disappointment was obvious.
Then the meteorologists predicted snow, but the snow stayed away from my part of the country, until we woke up to a snowstorm, Sunday morning. Snow became sleet and rain, and we, grown-ups, nodded to each other.
Now Monday afternoon I can see I was wrong. The snow lies as a blanket on my lawn, bathed in sunshine.
The meteorologists say it won’t snow again for some time now. They might be wrong.
We can make ourselves wise and clever, but we can’t predict everything. I don’t think anybody foresaw the terror attack on Paris.
Every time I read the news or observe discussions (quarrels) on Facebook, it seems like there will soon come an ice age in the entire world. Many meters of snow has fallen into the ventricles of the Islamists.

Will it be Christmas? Can Christmas-joy grow in the frozen ground this year?
Suddenly, something else steps into my mind.

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The Light of the world

God said, ”Let there be light.”
And there was light
and life
But life sinned
and moved to the land of the shadow of death

One day
this life who walked in darkness
saw a great light
The light was God’s word
who was born a child in a barn
He was God’s face
who shone graciously upon all people
With his hands, ears, eyes and heart
The light fed, healed and awakened
those who walked in darkness

This pure light
was convicted, tortured and killed
for the sin of the world
The light was turned off
The day was dark
The sun was dark
The light was an out burned candle
and laid in a tomb

At sunrise the beloved women came to the tomb
It was empty
The women were frightened

Then one of them sensed a hand on her shoulder
and heard a voice
She turned around
“It is I”, the voice said
and God’s face shone upon the women

You who walk in darkness
You will see a great light
Believe in Him
and his face will shine upon you
inside you
through you
in the midst of us
because darkness is not the final word

God says “let there be light”

motif: wire post looking like  a cross set against a rising sun



Cold concrete

A smell of dust

And urine

Drops falling down from the ceiling

No. Drops from my eyes

Landing on my lips

The bars throw shadows of darkness

On my body


Words from whispers and letters

turned backs and fleeing eyes

Words inside my head

Shouting over each other

The words are parasites

eating brain cells

The words are strong as men





Words dehumanize me


Says the tag

Written on my soul


I lay against the wall

The wall stands firm and quiet

A witness to the soul eating words

An antique wall

Which I lean my tears against

Lashes, gobs and question marks

Are written on the wall

The wall is firm and quiet

While the words move down towards my heart

And my organs and veins

Lie rotting

My skin folds and shrinks

A tight noose around my neck

Gasping for breath

Fading within myself

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