A journey in creativity and faith

Month: February 2016

Bridge building

Eyes roll around
flicking back and forth
What should we do?
The builders labored in vain
They don’t see
The don’t hear
We’re islands

The earth burns
under the feet
we’ll soon fall down

Call his name
open your door
his death is your life
he is a bridge
a portal
he is the way out of here



How a sentence became a giant

One sentence became one word, crawled out of my computer, had wings, flew through my one eye and onwards to the core of my heart. This word was a bug biting me consistently and followed me everywhere. The bug was all I saw. I thought it had bad news for me from everyone: every publisher, reader and every friend. The bug was very real to myself and I was about to become a bug myself. The sentences had become a word, which had become an annoying bug, which name was No. No came to life in an e-mail, which told me the magazine didn’t want to publish any of the eight poems I had submitted. My brain knew why and what it meant, but my eyes only saw the No which attacked my heart. I saw the No vandalize every sentence I had ever written, every word I was writing and every letter I would write in the future. I stopped all my writing projects. The No began to yell at me even in situations which were not writing related, and it grew bigger and stronger. It was about to become a giant instead of a bug.

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