A journey in creativity and faith

Month: April 2016

In Christ

The nun is fired
The princess and the sex monster are forgotten
The broken glass is gone
The veil for my eyes is removed
I have a new mirror
I see Christ in the mirror
I see myself
I see Mariane, woman
God’s beloved child
precious in my Father’s eyes
free and righteous in Christ
reconciled to God in Christ
a new creation in Christ
I see Mariane in Christ
the glory of the Lord
(5 Cor 5:17-21 and 2 Cor 3:16-19)

A sight

The wind squeezes
through the clouds
pushes the thin branches
pulls the garden door
I remember
a sight:
The sun is shining
on the glass
A sunbeam
on every raindrop
Pearls of shadows on the windowsill
Sunshine in my living room
Drops of grace
on my fingertips
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