“For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.” (Luke 2:10-12)
When I was a child, I stumbled upon a rock and broke my arm. This rock was not the only rock or stone in my life. The stones of my life were my sensitivity and thoughts. The stones were the schools and jobs where I did not fit in, and all the jobs I could not find. The stones were all the challenges and relations, in which I didn’t succeed.
I know there will be more rocks I stumble upon in the future. Wait a second, I forgot to tell you about one special stone in my life.

Photo Credits: Hartmut Tobies
Year after year I celebrated Christmas without understanding what or who I was really celebrating. It appeared baby Jesus drowned in all the jingle bells, sugarcanes, garlands, red and blue lights, Christmas pudding and cookies.
My heart couldn’t see the Christ in Jesus. Jesus was a stone upon which I stumbled. In my childhood I knew Jesus was a man, but I never had the thought that he should be God. When I was about 17 years-old and began to read in the Bible, I met a fantastic truth and reality, but I couldn’t understand who Jesus was.
In Jesus’ time only few understood who Jesus was. According to the Christian philosopher, Søren Kierkegaard, Jesus is a paradox for the human mind. Baby Jesus grew up to become the man crucified on the cross for our sins, Jesus is divine and human, eternal and temporal. Christ is a stumblingblock to many, “unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness;” (1 Cor 1:23)
But “the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men.” (1 Cor 1:25)
The stone, Jesus Christ, came meek and rolled on the shore of my life. I met a Christian who told me that Jesus is God. I don’t know how this Christian man explained it to me, but I suppose the Holy Spirit talked through him. Christ was the cornerstone I had rejected. Now he broke down the walls of my heart and told me who I was. Christ became the cornerstone of my life. The builder of my life is not me, but God.
God had to become a man; otherwise, he could not save his creation. However, Christ is still a mystery, which I never will understand completely. If I could explain and provide evidence, would God then be God?
Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest. (Matthew 21:9)
This is day, which God has made
Let’s be glad and rejoice
Christ is the light in Christmas and life
He is my God, I thank him
Praise the Lord for he is good
His mercy is everlasting.
References: Philosophical Fragments by Søren Kierkegaard. The Bible KJV: Psalm 118, Matthew 21, Luke 2 and 1 Cor 1.